The Christmas Dragon
Gizmoplex Winter Replay (2022-23)
Fantasy, Holiday, 16-Dec-2022
[v3] In this "triple riffle holiday spectacular,” all three test subjects and their bots must make it through a movie about a group of children who venture off to save the magic of Christmas in THE CHRISTMAS DRAGON (2014). Meanwhile, the test subjects gather together to put their top secret escape plan into action!
Up Next in Gizmoplex Winter Replay (2022-23)
The Bubble
In the theater, the crew watches as a married couple find themselves in a mysterious town in THE BUBBLE (1966). Meanwhile, all three test subjects work together to develop a top secret plan.
Short: Doing Things For Ourselves in ...
Joel's crew watches DOING THINGS FOR OURSELVES IN SCHOOL (1963), a short about young Steve and his irrepressible need to be independent.
Short: Better Breakfasts, USA
Emily's crew watches BETTER BREAKFASTS, USA (1964), a short that scientifically explains the importance of breakfast for teenagers.